Saturday, December 15, 2012


Well here it is! I finally got brave enough to start a recipe blog. I'm always telling people about recipes that I've tried and I wanted to bring all of those recipes to one place to preserve and share. I've only been cooking for 5 years... for as long as I've been married. That's right, I never cooked before I got married, but I did bake a lot. Cooking was a scary endeavor but I've grown to love it. I remember when I began that I wouldn't try a recipe if it had something scary involved, like a weird ingredient that I'd never heard of, or a weird way of cooking. For example, I never made funeral potatoes because you have to saute onions, yeah pretty silly. But now I love trying new things, new recipes, new flavors, new techniques. I generally stay with simple recipes that save me time. I work full time and as much as I love to cook, I love spending time with my husband a dog a whole lot more. I hope some of these recipes are helpful to you. Bon appetit!